Wenzel School
In the fall of 2015, ALL of our K-5 buildings started embarking on the journey to become "Leader in Me" Lighthouse Schools. Eastwood School has received a grant that will help offset much of the cost of this program. Wall, Congress, and Wenzel Schools are joining in the journey, as we feel this is an important program for all of our elementary students.
The "Leader in Me" program is something that has been explored by our elementary schools over the last 2 years. We have visited many schools, been a part of a few trainings, as well as completed a book study. In summary, this program is based on Steven Covey's "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." The program is designed for our elementary students. It will teach them great habits of mind, spirit and body. The intent is to find the leader in all of our students and to magnify student strengths. It is also about how we work with and treat our fellow human beings.
Teachers were trained in August by "Leader in Me" certified staff. Even though many teachers have been using and implementing parts of the "Leader in Me" process over the last 2 years, this will be our first official step. We are very excited to begin our 5 year journey toward becoming a "Leader in Me" Lighthouse School.
When students came back to school in the fall the first things they will notice is some of the changes that teachers and staff have made to the buildings. All the schools have had painting done and have added "Leader in Me" quotes and artwork. Also, for the first time students will be fully immersed in the "Leader in Me" curriculum. Students will be given the opportunity to show their leadership skills throughout the year.
For more information on "Leader in Me" please go to www.theleaderinme.org. Look for the "Parent" section that will give you information on what you can do to help your child practice leader in me principles. There is also a nice summary of information on each of the Habit Summary pages listed to the left