
Wenzel School photo

Wenzel School opened in 1928 during Carl M. Fenner’s tenure as superintendent. It was built for $24,000 and contained four classrooms for students kindergarten through third grades. In 1953 two wings were built onto Wenzel adding three classrooms. About a decade later a gymnasium and an additional classroom were added in 1964 bringing the school’s footprint to 14,155 square feet. More recently, the school was renovated in 2003-2004 and transitioned to a kindergarten through second grade building. In 2020, the office was moved to the front of the building with a secure vestibule.

Wenzel School has had seven principals since 1971 And their names and years of service are listed below (if you know of the name and years of service of a Wenzel principal prior to 1971, please share that information with us, and we will add it to our historical archives):
Jack Arbanas 1971-1994
LeeAnn McConnell 1994-1995
Donna McClary 1995-1999
Pete Palasinski 1999-2007
Teresa Belote 2007-2014
Nick Herblet 2014-2019 Vince LaPorte 2019-Present

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